Holistic Approach to a Healthy and Safe Sun Tan!

  It's that time of year; shorts and t-shirts, the beach and BBQs but it's really my favorite time because I get to be out in the sun as much as possible. I love basking in the sun, absorbing the rays and getting a dark tan after a long, dreary winter. Many of us have seen the damage of over-exposure in the sun can do to our skin. I am here to share with you not only my healthy tips to getting a great tan but protecting your skin as well. Keep The Water Flowing: We all know that water is essential. Yet, many people today drink coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and artificial, man-made beverages that actual dehydrates us. The cells need water for cellular function and elimination of toxins. When we drink anything else besides water, our cells lose their integrity and actually become vulnerable, especially for those who drink a great deal of alcohol. Beer, for example, is a strong diuretic and draws water from the skin, leaving it unprotected from the sun's rays. Stay well hydrated at all times and drink a lot of water if you are sunbathing. The general rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces of water but some tend to need more if they are in the sun for too long.

Eat Those Fats: Why, you wonder, eating healthy fats is great way to protect my skin from the sun? The cells in your body consist of saturated fat which gives them its natural integrity. Think of it as a balloon made of saturated fat. Fats like raw butter, olive oil, coconut oil, or lard have a great deal of natural anti-oxidants that protects us against free radicals. The standard diet consist of man-made, polyunsaturated oils, which floods the body of not only free radicals that destroy our cells but the accelerate the aging process. The sun's rays and polyunsaturated fats is a toxic cocktail for wrinkly skin and the high risk of developing cancer. Eat plenty of these fats to start protecting your skin.

Antioxidant Stockpile: When I was in the restaurant business, it was necessary to always have a back up of everything, so you don't run out. Stockpile of ingredients were there to cover the possibility of running out during the dinner service. We should look at antioxidants this way as well. Our bodies are always creating free radicals but are we replacing and protecting ourselves from a backup of antioxidants? For most, that's not the case. The sun creates a great deal of free radical damage to the skin if exposed to it too long. That is why it is necessary to have a constant supply in case of an emergency. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, plus enzymes and thiols is important. Vitamin antioxidants such as vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E are very powerful antioxidants to neutralize a great deal of free radicals. They should work in unison to help regenerate each other. Vitamin C will regenerate vitamin E and vice-versa. Alpha-lipoic acid constantly renews the antioxidants without being renewed itself. Flavonoids in fruits, vegetables and herbs can help assist with all this. Stockpile now so you don't run out just in case of an emergency.

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night: Corey Hart's song "Sunglasses at Night" is probably the best advice he gave us then actually wearing them when the sun is out. UV radiation from the sun is very important for normal cell division, with no cell growth, this can lead to cancer. Sunglasses as well as UV-reflecting spectacles are responsible for certain eye disease as well as skin damage. The optic nerve senses sunlight and produces melanocytes, which in turn produces melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives you a tan and protects you against sunburn. Wearing sunglasses disrupts this process. Instead of making melanin to protect your skin, the pituitary gland thinks it's dark outside and reduces the melanocyte-simulating hormone. So our skin is less protected because we are not producing enough melanin to protect us from getting sunburned. Go to South or Central America, for example, you will hardly see anyone wear sunglasses and they have the most beautiful dark skin and minimal skin cancer. Our grandparents just wore large hats to protect their eyes, so should we. Leave the sunglasses at home.

Would You Drink Sunscreen?: Then why would you put it on your skin? It's actually probably safer to ingest it because your digestive system would filter out most of the poison. Rubbing it on the skin dumps these carcinogens right into the circulatory system, which overloads the liver, kidneys, heart and brain. My favorite sunscreen protection is coconut oil. Yes, coconut oil. Coconut oil should be consumed and used topically on our skin https://techir.ro/ , it helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more effectively as well, such as vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant nutrient that protects the skin. Go visit the Philippines or Thailand, and you will see that coconut is a main staple not only in their diet but the oil is used on their skin. They have almost no signs of skin cancer and obtain beautiful skin. Even the people of the Mediterranean and Roman times used oils like olive oil and other essential oils to protect and lavish their skin. The sunscreen industry is a multi-billion dollar business; selling us ideas that we need to protect ourselves from the sun's rays or will die from skin cancer which is an outright lie!!!!! The sun heals cancer and it's our natural healer. We just need to know how to protect ourselves naturally.

So, when you want to get a dark tan and protect your skin, follow these simple points:

• Drink plenty of water. (Do not consume alcohol, coffee or soft drinks.)

• Consume a lot of healthy fats (Coconut oil, olive oil, raw butter and lard.) Avoid all processed oils.

• Consume plenty of antioxidants from whole, organic foods and nutraceutical supplements.

• Apply a generous amount of coconut oil on your skin before lying out in the sun and also after wards. You can use an essential oil like Lavender oil to help relieve the skin and cool it down before going to bed.

• Avoid wearing sunglasses.

• Only lay out for an hour at the most. The sun is the strongest between 11am-3pm. Laying out for an hour at a time 2-3 times a week will help create a dark tan. Imagine painting a car; you need to let each layer dry before applying the next coat to get that beautiful finish. You need to do the same to obtain a dark tan.

• Everyone has different skin types; some are more sensitive then others. Those that are more sensitive to the sun should also wear light clothing and limit their sun exposure to limited time until you acquire the proper tan.

Chris Dillon is the founder of Nu-Health Strategies which is a holistic center for exercise, nutrition, massage, and emotional healing in New Jersey.

Try This Great Advice For Forex Trading

Currency trading in the foreign exchange market, or forex, requires some knowledge and understanding of how the market works. Once you have a basic understanding of how the forex works, you can then leverage the suggestions provided in this article to further improve your successfully trading currency in this market.

Trading forex can get complex if you are trying to deal with multiple currencies at once. As you are starting out, it is a good idea to start out by only dealing with one currency pair. This helps you keep track of your investments as you are starting out.

When you are on a winning streak you need to take out some of your profits and go out and enjoy yourself. Many people that get into forex do it because they want to make money, but they never take the time out to enjoy any of the profits.

There's an old adage that warns you to practice what you preach, and this is very true for the Forex market. Most people tell themselves that they're going to be responsible and trade only what they can afford. Make sure you listen to this advice. Just because you're profiting doesn't mean you shouldn't stick to the old plan you laid out.

Build am account that is based on what you know and what you expect. Understand that you have limitations, especially when you are still learning. You will not master trading overnight. When dealing with what kind of account is the best to hold in Forex you should start with one that has a low leverage. Before you start out trading, you should practice with a virtual account that has no risk. Begin slowly and gradually and learn all the nuances of trading.

Before you deposit any money, make sure that your Forex brokers offers the currency pairs that you would like to trade. The major pairs are USD/CHF, EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY. Nearly all Forex brokers offer these pairs, however, if your want to trade a different currency pair, you need to check that your Forex broker offers it first.

To learn more about forex, create an account with GAIN Capital. Gain Capital has a lot of resources about trading in general, and offers excellent training solutions. You can also start trading with a relatively low budget. A GAIN Capital account would definitely improve your trading skills if you follow their training seriously.

When conducting Forex exchanges, make sure to go with the trend. By trading with the latest trends, you are increasing your chances succeeding. Going against the trend is not advised, as you can end up losing a lot of funds. Make sure to do your research on recent trends as they always change.

When learning Forex trading, there may be so much information to deal with that it is best to limit yourself to a few good sources. Try to depend on quality rather than quantity in determining what your eventual strategy will be. Then practice your chosen strategy for several months.

When you make a profit with forex, ask yourself what to do with the money. Perhaps you should decide this before you actually make any money. Do you need the money to pay bills? If this is the case, you should cash your profit out before you are tempted to invest it again.

As a beginner in Forex trading, you should concentrate on just one currency pair in order to avoid making ill-informed trading decisions https://tradingthug.com/ . Research the currencies involved in the pair, making sure to consult news stories and economic outlook reports. Try to get a feel for how sensitively the currency reacts to particular news headlines, and other events which can affect it.

Focus on trading one or two currency pairs. It is easier to follow their daily and hourly fluctuations and set up trends. You will soon learn their range and volatility level during the week, which will help you to time your trade. Following several forex pairs is time consuming and proves to be less effective than following one or two pairs.

Choose a simple Forex system that meshes well with your personality and your thought processes. Some people do well with a scalping system. Others do well with a swing system. Study all the systems out there and choose the one that really resonates with you and seems as if you will be able to keep up with it without a lot of stress and confusion.

Learn to choose the best days to trade. You can trade Tuesdays and Wednesdays all day and during the evening as well. Thursday is a good day as well, but from Thursday evenings to Monday evenings, the market is either getting ready to close or still opening slowly after the week end.

One thing to note that can help you in your forex endeavors is to constantly check fluctuations among various currencies. You want to see if you find a pattern that you can use to your advantage. If you do find a pattern then try and see if you can make enough profit from it after you make some currency exchanges.

Are you finding yourself making the same mistakes time and again when trading on the Forex market? If so, start keeping a Forex journal. Keep track of your positions by date, time and rate. Note down why you chose that position, as well as your strategy for it. Also keep track of the date, time and rate at which you left the position, your profit or loss on it, and whether or not you stuck with your strategy. Eventually, you'll see patterns emerging. Stick with the successful ones, and avoid the ones that don't seem to be working for you.

Take a few moments to try the tips suggested in this article to improve your overall success rate trading in the foreign exchange market. While the market may seem confusing at first, gaining a basic understanding of how global events affect the market and applying relevant suggestions to your trades can make a significant difference on your success.


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